Around The Block: Hurricane Sandy

As of 11 am, we still have electricity and Internet capability here in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, so I thought I’d blog.

I just came back from a walk around the block to see which business were open, and which were closed. The 24 hour fruit market across the street? Open, because as one of its cashiers says, “We don’t have a door, so it’s not possible to close.” The liquor  and wine store? Also, open. “If it happens, it happens,” one of its owners says, and continuing, “We’re not going to close.”

As Kate says, “our wine shop is the chillest wine shop, because it’s owned by a couple of Polish guys who aren’t going anywhere.” Even, during a hurricane, it’s “whatever happens, happens.” I hope they have insurance for natural disasters, because I would hate to see them take a lot of damage, especially since they just expanded.

The business that seem to be open are the ones where the shopkeepers live locally so that they can return home should anything turn for the worse. The aptekas (Polish for pharamacy) across the street, for example.

Pub, pizza place, and day care are all closed as to be expected.

Hope everyone is staying safe.

Be well,


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3 Responses to Around The Block: Hurricane Sandy

  1. Ricky Lai says:

    Hi Christine, thanks for the update. We hope NYC will be o-kay this time. I remember the NorthEaster that hit brooklyn many years ago. The toilet and the basement of our home at Bay 40th was flooding. We were worried the water would damage the heater and the boiler that sitted on the basement floor. Then 2 big street rats flushed out from the toilet bowl and they stayed with us couple of days. I killed them with poison pellets as bait. It was a mass for Grandpa and Grandmom. Hope you and Joyce are o-kay this time.  Love.   Dad


  2. Judy says:

    Stay safe yourself, lady!

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